The LiLi Centre's mission is to help you get a better grasp on local life, by understanding the local culture and the language.

Our programmes are designed to bring people together in a variety of different contexts, whether it’s networking with other international residents, learning how to find a job in Switzerland, practicing your German skills, or simply just enjoying a friendly chat with new friends.

Use the menu to the left to learn about the various programmes that we currently run at the LiLi Centre, or click below to see a current calendar of events. 

Member access to events

Members of the LiLi Centre receive discounted rates to all programmes and exclusive access to member-only events. If you are not currently a member, click here to join.

Interested in hosting a programme or event for our members? 

We encourage our members to share their knowledge with others in the community in order to integrate faster and make the most of their time here. We also welcome partnerships with local businesses in Luzern who are interested in reaching out to the international community.

If you would like to host a class, workshop, or social event with the LiLi Centre community, contact us at for more information.